
Air Quality Monitor

CO2 Analyzer (ANA-3.1)
ㆍModel ANA-3.1
ㆍMeasuring Items Carbon dioxide(CO2) in environmental air
ㆍMaker WTE Co., Ltd.
ㆍMeasuring Method Non Dispersed Infrared Analysis (GFC NDIR)
ㆍRange 0~1,000, 0~2,000, 0~5,000ppm (Select, Auto Range)
ㆍLower Detectable Limit Less than 5ppm
ㆍRepeatability within ±0.5% of span gas concentration
ㆍZero Drift Less than 5ppm
ㆍSpan Drift within ±1% F.S
ㆍResponse Time(95%) Less than 60 seconds (T95)
ㆍAmbient Temp 5~40℃
ㆍAnalog Output 0~5V, 0~1V
ㆍDisplay 7 inch Graphic LCD
ㆍComport Ethernet, USB1.1, RS-232C
ㆍPower Requirement 220VAC/60Hz or 230VAC/50Hz
CO2 Analyzer _ ANA3.1
ANA3.1 is an NDIR GFC-applied CO2 gas analyzer that accurately measures traces of atmospheric CO2 with its long optical path and durable optical curved mirror.
All ANA Series gas analyzers were designed with TFT-LCD & touch screen interface for easy operation and maximized visualization. The MCU with an ARM11 32-bit processor operates on Linux Kernel 2.6 and maximizes the system's stability with multiprocessing.
It also includes an auto zero system for smooth measurement, and its various interface (Ethernet, RS232, RS485, USB, DIO, Analog out) are designed for a more convenient and effective operation.